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Our Beliefs

God Loves

God Creates

God Redeems

God Inhabits 

God Transforms

God Triumphs

Several Open Books
Our History
happy family

On January of 1979 the Kissimmee church purchased two acres of land, on which we dwell presently, at a cost of $11,600.00.That same year on November 18,1979, under the leadership of District Pastor O. H Paul, the Kissimmee Church with its 35 members was officially organized in the South Atlantic Conference. It was the 119th church added to this conference. Pastor Paul recognized Elder L. C Casey, and his assistants as the fire behind the force that brought this layman’s project to completion.


On February 16, the church was dedicated bearing a new name The Mt. Zion Seventh-Day- Adventist church. Pastor Cleveland Mair was then the first official pastor. Many good men of God would continue the work in this part of the vineyard. Since the groundwork had been laid, the membership growing, a quest to continue the work was now the challenge. The following men entered” the hall of fame “ of Mount Zion S.D.A. Church. Pastor R .C Parham, who served two separate times as pastor, the late Pastor Robert Patterson, Pastor Eddie Hall, Pastor O. L Groce, Pastor Tony A. Taylor, Pastor Maxwell T. Berkel, Pastor Lewis Edwards, Pastor Alex Williams and Pastor Ron Smith II.


Mount Zion has given birth to "The Poinciana S.D.A. Church" its 1st offspring. Membership has grown to 225 precious souls. Diverse cultures have nestled in its harbor and the dream to carry this message is still the burden of today. We have a rich heritage here at Mount Zion; this should be nurtured and cultivated. The awesome responsibility to finish the work that was started so long ago is a challenge.

Let us answer the call. For our goal reflects our mission, which is Zion on the march... Heaven bound!!!!

To God be the Glory great things He had done.

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